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The unique coast

People have always favoured the coastal zone because of its unique resources. They were and still are attracted by the fertile lands in the coastal plains and abundant marine resources, and by the easy access to international markets. The coastal zone is a focal point in many national economies where a large number of social and economic activities and their impacts are concentrated. The importance of the coastal area will further increase in the future due to the ever increasing number of people which should find a place here.

The coastal zone is essentially a multi resource system. It provides space, living and non-living resources for human activities and it has a regulatory function for the natural and man-made environment. At the same time the coastal zone is a multi-user system. Private and public bodies use the natural resources for subsistence (water and food), economic activities (space, living and non-living resources, energy) and recreation (beaches and water areas).  

Raising awareness

Industrialization, commercial development and steadily growing population pressure in many places have resulted in an increase of erosion and flooding, loss of wetlands, pollution, and over-exploitation of land and water resources in the coastal zone. 

Growing awareness about the finiteness of resources, about environmental degradation and consequent problems to mankind, has triggered numerous studies to provide a long term solution of the resources problem. Such studies are based on the concept of carrying capacity in terms of guidelines for socio-economic activities to achieve long term conservation of vital elements and areas of the environmental system.

In 1972, the report of the Club of Rome addressed these problems for the first time in a systematic and consistent way, resulting in the well known book 'The limits to growth' (Donnela72), and later "Beyond the Limits (Donnela92). The political response to this challenge was formulated in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development in the so-called Brundtland report 'Our Common Future' (WCED, 1987). They introduced the concept of sustainable development, as a means to guarantee acceptable living conditions for the present as well as for future generations.

Consensus about the future

It is now widely accepted that development of the coastal zone should be based upon a proper understanding of the processes in the coastal zone, supported by a sound engineering technology and socio-economic skills to obtain an acceptable balance between short term benefits and long term assets. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a controlled development of this area. Conflicts between the various user categories are becoming more and more manifest. These conflicts will grow in scope and size with increasing population density and related increase in the use of the earth's resources. There is a need for a common methodology which can be used to describe the complex interactions between the resource system and its potential users. There is a need, therefore, to plan and control this process in a systematic and sustainable way. This process is called Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM).


Based on these developments, Europe, with its relatively long coastline and diverse natural, social and economic conditions, started to work on ICZM in 1996. The European Commission defines ICZM as 

“a continuous process of administration the general aim of which is to put into practice sustainable development and conservation in coastal zones and to maintain their biodiversity. To this end, ICZM seeks, through more efficient management, to establish and maintain the best use and sustainable levels of development and activity (use) in the coastal zone, and, over time, to improve the physical status of the coastal environment”.

The views on ICZM in the USA and Europe differ. In the USA, ICZM is focussed on planning - in Europe on the integration of user functions. (Read more on this)


Which approach(es) are best suitable for ICZM conflicts?




The questions we address, and where you will find our answers are: Finally, In the conclusion section a comprehensive scheme is presented which contains the elements discussed. At the end, you will find a list of information sources and a glossary of the terms used.

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