With ranking is meant; displaying the alternatives in
such way that decision makers can judge the effects of
each and choose between them. In coastal zones, several
disciplines are usually involved in a project and each
have their own criteria to judge alternative solutions
by. The analyst must therefore cope with multiple (sometimes
conflicting) criteria when ranking the alternatives. Two
large groups of methods can be distinguished:
- aggregated methods, where the scores of alternatives
on the various criteria are lumped and a final ranking
of alternatives is obtained, and
- disaggregated methods, where the result per criterion
per alternative is presented in a tabular form.
Though aggregate
methods can be useful for initial quick analysis and
for groups with similar interest to choose a preferred
solution. Due to their
in public sector problems the disaggregated
methods are preferred.
Exercise 11
How suitable are aggregated methods
to rank alternative solutions in the case of the
development of a port terminal in an urbanized
area, considering the client (decision maker)
is the major?
Exercise 12
In the previous tutor exercise,
you defined two problems and associated criteria
and alternatives with them. Now make a Goeller
scorecard of the alternatives of both problems.
to tutor]