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Ссылки, использованные в модуле по участию общественности


  • Canter, L.W. 1996. Environmental Impact Assessment. 2nd Ed. NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Программа ECOM. 2002. Санкт-Петербургское общество натуралистов, Сайт ресурсов участия общественности
    http://www.polit.spb.ru/index.php3?rub=146 (на русском языке)
  • King, G., 1999. Participation in the ICZM process: Mechanism and Procedures needed, EC demonstration programme for ICZM.
  • Руководство по ОВОС. 1996. Москва: Меджународный центр образовательных систем. 92 стр.
  • UUN EEC Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, done at Aarhus, Denmark, on 25 June 1998.
  • Renard, Y., 1986. Citizen participation in coastal area. Planning and management, CAMP Newsletter, October.

Зачем нужно участие общественности?

  • Budd, M. (1999). "The application of environmental assessment to marine development and activities in Great Britain". Marine Policy, Vol. 23, No. 4-5, pp. 439-451. Elsevier Sciences.
  • Daniels, S.E. and Walker, G.B. "Rethinking Public Participation in Natural Resource Management: Concepts from Pluralism and Five Emerging Approaches", an article is included in the On-Line Mountain Forum Library with permission from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. www.mtnforum.org/resources/library/danix99a.htm
  • EC (1999). "Environmental Impact Assessments and Geological Repositories for Radioactive wastes". EC Contract B4-3070/97/000821/MAR/C3. European Commission, Directorate-General Environment EUR 19152/1 EN.
  • Johnson, D. and Dagg, S. (2001) " Public Participation in Major Coastal Zone Planning Decision", MEDCOAST 01, pp. 41-48, Tunisia.
  • U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment 1992. Forest Service Planning: Accommodating Uses, Producing Outputs, and Sustaining Ecosystems. OTA-F-505. Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office. USDA-Forest Service. 1990. Critique of Land Management Planning, Volume 2: National Forest Planning: Searching for a Common Vision. FS-453. Washington, D.C.
  • Wondolleck, J. 1988. Public Lands Conflict and Resolution: Managing National Forest Disputes. New York, Plenum Press
  • Yerli, S. and Demirayak, F. (1996) Marine turtles in Turkey: A survey on nesting site status, DHKD, CMS Rep. No. 96/4, Istanbul
  • Magdolna T.N., Margaret B., Jiri D., Jerzy J., Stephen S., Karel Z. and Zlinszky J. "Manual on Public Participation in Environmental Decision making: Current Practice and Future Possibilities in Central and Eastern Europe" Budapest, 1994.

Инструменты и методы

  • Model law on sustainable management of coastal zones and European code of conduct for coastal zones (No. 101) (2000), ISBN 92-871-4153-3

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