Ways to involve local people in shaping tourism policy and decisions:
- Organise workshops, seminars and conferences
- Form committees or working groups
- Training
- Interviews and questionnaires for the general public or specific interest
- Advisory boards
- Public hearings
- Establishment of a regular ‘forum’ or ‘network’ with representatives of
the civil society
Some general rules for public participation:
- Inform and educate people about why they should get involved
- Try to make all information clear and jargon-free
- Set clear boundaries and terms of reference with clear expectations of
all participants
- Set up a good communication system with a named contact person
- Start early enough to allow maximum participation - it will probably take
longer than you think
- Have a range of people involved and not just one representative
- Use widespread advertising to encourage people to come forward, don’t just
call on the people who have been involved before
- Think about transport arrangements, timing and venue for meeting - will
they be equally accessible to all
- Everyone with an interest needs to be represented right from the start
- Equal status for all participants is essential