The Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity has
agreed on an "Indicative list (non-exhaustive) of examples of functions of the
natural environment that directly (flora and fauna) or indirectly (services
provided by ecosystems) derive from biological diversity" (Decision COP VI/7,
Appendix 3). The list includes several functions that are relevant to coastal
areas and contributes to sustainable coastal tourism.
They can be summarized as follows:
I Production functions:
- Natural production
- Timber, firewood and natural fodder production
- Fish, shellfish and harvestable bush meat production
- Supply of surface and ground water
- Nature-based human production
- Crop and range productivity
- Managed forest productivity
- Aquaculture and mariculture productivity
- Carrying functions
- Suitability for nature conservation, leisure and tourism activities
- Suitability for navigation
- Suitability for construction, settlement, industry, infrastructure
II Processing and regulation functions:
- Land-based functions
- Coastal protection against floods
- Coastal stabilization against accretion/erosion
- Soil protection
- Biological control mechanisms
- Water related functions
- Flushing/cleansing/purification function
- River base flow regulation
- Regulation of water balance
- Sedimentation/retention capacity
- Prevention of saline ground and surface water intrusion
- Air-related functions
- Filtering of air
- Wind breaks
- Biodiversity-related functions
- Maintenance of genetic, species and ecosystem composition
- Maintenance of spatial and temporal structure
- Maintenance of key processes for structuring or maintaining biodiversity
- Signification functions
- Cultural/religious/scientific/landscape functions