Since the mid-90s sustainable development of tourism
has become a priority of EU Institutions. In its Communication
together for the future of European tourism", the
European Commission proposed to further "promote
sustainable development of tourism activities in Europe
by defining and implementing Agenda 21". This issue
received strong support from the European Parliament,
the Council, the European Economic, Social Committee
and the Committee of the Regions. The recent European
Commission’s Communication: "Basic
orientations for the sustainability of European tourism"
proposes more measures for strengthening the Community’s
contribution to the sustainability of European tourism.
Furthermore, sustainable tourism can particularly benefit
from the approaches and instruments outlined in the
European Commission Communication on integrating environmental
issues with economic policy; the European Community
Bio-diversity Strategy which includes guidance on the
issue of developing sustainable tourism within protected
areas and with low impact on Europe’s Natura 2000 sites.
Finally the White Paper on "European transport
policy for 2010: time to decide" and the EU policies
on water and waste management which directly affect
the tourism sector can help to promote the sustainability
of tourism.
Policies for sustainable coastal
range of measures has been promoted at the European
Union level to encourage sustainable tourism. These
largely relate to wider environmental and coastal zone
management regulation, funding instruments and guidance.
The European
Community Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)
strategy and the related Recommendation, which outlines
the way to promote ICZM, are particularly relevant for
tourism activities and tourist destinations. Member
States are asked to develop, by spring 2006, national
ICZM strategies, which should also involve tourism activities.
Example 1
Sustainable Tourism: One goal for many actors (EC, 2002).
Sustainable Development has become an accepted concept
for policy development. International Agencies and Organizations
like the World Tourism and Travel Council (WWTC) and
the International Federation of Tour Operators (IFTO)
have attempted to highlight tourism- environment issues.
In 1993, the World Tourism Organisation (WTO) published
a Guide for sustainable development for local planners.
UNEP, in collaboration with the International Hotels
Environment Initiative has produced guidelines to improve
the environmental performance of hotel units (The Green
Hotelier, Going Green Makes Sense, Environmental Management
for Hotels). The Convention for Biodiversity and Agenda
21 support incentives towards sustainable tourism development.
The European Commission has published the Green Paper
on the Role of the Union in the field of Tourism. During
1995 and 1996 it established ECONETT, a network for
tourism and environment. Significant initiatives for
sustainable tourism were also undertaken by the Council
of Europe. Because of Treaty obligations, the EU's tourism
sector cooperation with governments or private business
needed to include a consideration of the environmental
effects of each planned action. Within this context
the private sector also undertook initiatives towards
reducing impacts of tourism on the environment.
Hotels, airlines and others implemented several measures
in order to promote sustainable consumption of natural
resources and minimization of waste production.
Example 2
Cyclades EU ICZM Demonstration project
One of the objectives of the EU ICZM Demonstration project
entitled "Programme for integrated coastal zone management
in the Cyclades" was the "Sustainable tourism development".
Some of the priorities for action (indicative) that
were identified were the following:
- Enhance quality of tourist product and services;
- Assure accessibility and elaboration of indicators
for sustainable tourism development;
- Prioritization and promotion of best practice and
innovative actions for tourism management
- Promote elongation of the tourist season;
- Encourage traditional activities, mainly agriculture
(e.g. biological products);
- Promote awareness and training in new forms of
tourism management, etc.;
- Link tourist product with networks.
The island of Serifos in Cyclades, Greece
Further information: Prof. Harry Coccossis (
and Dr. Alexandra Mexa (