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Sources / References
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- CBSS: Council of the Baltic Sea
- DDBR: Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve
- EA: Environmental Auditing
- EC: European Commission
- EEA: European Environment Agency
- EIA: Environmental Impact Assessment
- EU: European Union
- FREE: Foundation for Environmental
- FTO: Federation of Tour Operators
- GCET: Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
- GNP: Gross National Product
- IC: Information Centre
- ICLEI: Local Governments for Sustainability
- ICOMOS: International Council on
Monuments and Sites
- ICZM: Integrated Coastal Zone Management
- ISO: International Organization for
- kWh: Kilowatt-hour
- MAP: Mediterranean Action Plan
- MORI: Market and Opinion Research
- NCAA: Ngorongoro Conservation Area
- NGO: Non-Governmental Organization
- NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric
- PAP: Priority Actions Programme
- RSIS: Red Sea Information System
- SEA: Strategic Environmental Assessment
- TCC: Tourism Carrying Capacity
- UNEP: United Nations Environment
- UNESCO: United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization
- UNDP: United Nations Development
- WCED: World Commission on Environment
and Development
- WTO: World Tourism Organisation
- WTTC.: World Travel and Tourism Council
- WWF: World Wide Fund for Nature