As intermediaries between tourists and tourism service
providers, tour operators bring together a variety of
tourism-related services to form a complete holiday
package which is then marketed to customers either directly
or through travel agents. Each package generally consists
of accommodation (often including some food provision),
transport both to and from the destination, ground transport
within the destination and events or activities such
as excursions and social activities. Tour operators
are not always in direct control of the environmental
and social impacts of those products. Yet, consumers
increasingly expect the tour operators they buy from
to ensure that their products provide not just quality
and value-for-money, but also safeguard environmental
and social sustainability.
The Green Travel Market
The Green Travel Market is a global facility
to integrate sustainable products into the packages
of European and Northern American tour operators.
Green Travel Market - including hundreds of
sustainable products - was launched on the internet
as a "business to business" service.
Green Travel Market gives up-to-date and reliable information
on existing sustainable tourism products. Different
types of highly sustainable tourism products along the
"tourism supply chain" participate in the
Green Travel Market: destinations, protected areas,
accommodation networks, individual accommodation, community
based tourism networks, visitor attractions and activities,
excursions or tours, incoming tour operators and transport
services. The Green Travel Market offers a wide array
of services to help local products, services to reach
the European and US tour operators and media. Green
Travel Marker is in contact with more than 1.500 touroperators.