Resolution of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources
(October 11, 2000 #16-1)
On the Current State and Aims of the System of Natural Protected
of Federal Significance in Russia
The existing federal system of Natural Protected Territories includes
99 state nature reserves (zapovedniks), 35 national parks, 67 small
state nature reserves (zakazniks), and 28 natural landmarks of
federal significance. The network of zapovedniks and national parks has
expanded substantially since 1992: 25 new zapovedniks and national parks
covering a combined area of 16.7 million hectares have been created, while
the territories of 20 reserves have been increased by a combined area
of 2.5 million hectares.
At the same time, Russia's state preserves and national parks, especially
the newest ones, have had a bad time over the last 10 years due to a lack
of funding. Effective operation of the Natural Protected Territories is
often hindered by interdepartmental segregation. In general, the practice
of preservation and development of Natural Protected Territories needs
to be improved.
The Board decrees:
The Department of Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety (Mr. Amirkhanov)
shall prepare by January 30, 2001:
A Draft Action Plan to ensure the support of the system of state
nature reserves and national parks over the period of 2001–2005;
The Department shall continue work on establishing 3 new state
zapovedniks (in the Altai Republic and the Kostroma and Tver Regions)
and 2 national parks (in Primorski Krai and Khabarovsk Territory),
on expanding the territories of existing nature zapovedniks, optimizing
their boundaries, forming Biosphere Yards and merging them with
the zapovedniks over the period of 2001–2005;
During the year 2001, the Department shall present suggestions
on the step-by-step transfer of the following natural protected
territories of federal significance to the authority of the Russian
Ministry of Natural Resources:
State nature zapovedniks: Kedrovaya Pad, Ussuriysky, Dalnevostochny
Morskoy (Primorski Krai) currently under the authority of the
Russian Academy of Sciences;
State zakazniks: Barsovy (Primorski Krai), Khekhtsirsky (Khabarovsk
Territory), Khingano-Arkharinsky (Amur Region), Frolikhinsky
(Republic of Buryatia), Sochinsky (Krasnodar Territory) currently
under the authority of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture;
The Department shall analyze and estimate the financial support
of the system of federal nature zapovedniks and national parks,
determine priorities and prepare suggestions for consideration at
the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources Board Meeting in December,
The heads of the local branches shall:
Ensure the organization of biodiversity and landscape preservation
actions that do not require immediate creation of ground environment
and funding from the federal budget, including the practice of reservation
of important natural complexes;
Acknowledge the harmonic combination of the interests of preservation
of natural heritage and the social and economic development of the
regions as a necessary prerequisite for creation of new natural
protected territories.
Authorize the Vice-Mayor of Saint Petersburg (the Head of the Committee
on City Property Management) to ensure that this decree is fulfilled.