



Scant scientific periodical press has been reinforced by an interesting and versatile journal that covers different aspects of theory and practical work corresponding to reserves. The edition is issued under the Department of General Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) signature stamp.

The lead article in the first edition (1996) states that the journal’s aim is: “To mirror general issues and ideology of conservation work, large scope of researches conducted in reserves: from discovering new or rare species to in-depth study of ecosystems; specificity of prolonged stationary successive researches of different levels, beginning with inventory of all natural objects situated in a reserve to the study of complex links in biogeocenosis. The journal welcomes articles from all specialists from Russian reserves as well as from reserves of CIS countries, scientific research institutes and high schools” (p. 6).

“Reserves” was created by the RAS Committee on Reserves. The scientific work of the Committee is well known to the readers. It includes reports and reviews of numerous conferences and meetings (over 10 editions), “Problems of Reserves” series collection (10 editions), and the unique series “Fauna and Flora of Reserves” (98 editions).

This new publication is rather original although it can be viewed as the continuation of 13 editions “Scientific Methodical Notes”, issued by the Committee on the Reserves in 1938—1949 (Shtilmark, 1996)*. This is a compliment – not a reproach

The “Reserves” Editorial Board consists of famous scientists working in the field of nature conservation and reserves. The Editor of the first three editions was RAS Academician V.N. Tikhomirov who did so much for reserves in the USSR and Russia. Academician D.S. Pavlov, now head of the Commission, edited the other editions. The life and soul of “Reserves” has always been the scientific secretary of the Commission, Bachelor of Science in Biology, T.M. Korneyeva. She was responsible for coordination, scientific, methodological and publishing work. Past and present members of the journal’s editorial board include: I.I. Gnidina, I.S. Darevsky, L.V. Kulikova, E.N. Matyushkin, V.O. Mokievsky, A.A. Nikolsky, Y.D. Nykhimovsky, Y.G. Puzachenko, N.N. Skokova, V.B. Stepanitsky, A.A. Tishkov, K.P. Filonov.

Most articles were dedicated to reserves’ general problems (38% out of all publications). Zoological issues were covered in 20% of the articles, botany and ecology — in 15%, other directions — in 14% articles. Among the publications — materials on research conducted in 31 reserves and 2 national parks. Materials on scientific research conducted in Altaisky, Baikalsy, Darvinsky, Zeisky, Zhigulevsky, Lazovsky, Stolby, Khopersky, Tsentralno-Lesnoy were covered in the journal more than once.

The journal has 11 sections; the largest is called Principles, Results and Methods of Scientific Research in Reserves. Over a third of the articles are published under this heading. Articles by A.P. Utenkov and G.V. Motuzov (1998), D.M. Polushkin (1999), O.V. Morozova and V.N. Korotkova (1999) reflect the content of the section in a most profound manner.

New Protected Areas is the second largest section. It contains information on designated natural reserves (Gasparyan, 1996, 1998, 2000), new protected natural areas, and frontier and trans-border PNAs (Gunin, Bazha, 1998; Chibilev, 1999; Brylev, Sagalayev, 2000).

The History of Reserves is a very original and interesting section containing the ideas of classic reserve experts (Kozhevnikov, 1997; Sukachev, 1997; Borodin, 1998). It will be wonderful if this section of the journal continues to publish only the best examples of scientific thinking of Russian and foreign reserves classics.

A thorough review of back issues reveals this to be a multi-faceted periodical of high intellectual potential. The distinguished editing and wonderful paleographic technique are praiseworthy.

Discussions on the role and place of PNAs in economic, social and scientific life have yet to produce a precise definition of reserves or their place in the system of knowledge and in the classification of types of activities.

Reserves work is a branch of knowledge still in the making, an interdisciplinary scientific applied complex (ISAC). It is also a part of ecology. The key problem of the Reserve ISAC is the development of concepts and their practical application in order to ensure the protection of nature.

The journal leaves no doubt as to the role and place of reserves. The articles clearly state that Russian reserves have grown out of the “ugly duckling” stage.

G.A. Kozhevnikov (1928, p. 14, 16) defined the key objective of research in reserves as “the study of life’s organic evolution… and the study of permanent changes in organisms due to changes in the environment.” V.V. Stanchinsky (1938, p. 41) was the first to define the role of ecological research in reserves as a means of monitoring and scientific prognostication of prolonged changes in nature complexes: “Only reserves conducting stationary complex research can aspire to solve this extremely important theoretical and practical problem”. In actual practice, however, reserve staff cannot conduct relevant research on their own. They badly need help from leading academic institutions and universities. The most pressing task now is to convert the Nature Chronicles into computer databases so as to put their unique information into international scientific circulation. The journal is also helping to do this.

* In the list of Literature, articles published in the edition under review are not referred to.


G.A. Kozhevnikov. How to Conduct Scientific Work in Reserves // Nature Conservation. — Moscow, 1928. — B. 1. — pp. 12—19.

V.V. Stanchinsky. Objectives, Contents, Arrangements and Methods of Complex Research in Reserves // Scientific Methodological Notes by the Committee on Reserves. — Moscow, 1938 (1st edition), pp. 28-50.

S.V. Saksonov,
leading scientific expert,
Zhigulyevsky State Reserve,

Professor G.S. Rosenberg,
Director of the Volga Basin Ecology Institute (RAS),

K.A. Kudinov,
Deputy Director of Scientific Work,
Zhigulyevsky State Reserve

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