On June 26—27, 2003, “The Role of Nature Reserves in Regional Biodiversity Conservation” workshop took place in the city of Usharal, Alma Ata region, Kazakhstan. The meeting was dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the Alakolsky state nature reserve. The key objective of the meeting was to summarise outputs of the reserve’s work and assess the general situation with nature reserves in Kazakhstan. The participants of the meeting recognised the important role of PAs as modern centres of landscape and biodiversity conservation.
Representatives of almost all Kazakhstan zapovedniks (Barsakelmess,
West-Altai, Kurgaldjin, Ust Yurta) and Altyn Emel National
Park as well as zoologists, ornithologists, virologists, botanists,
ichthyologists, veterinary surgeons, microbiologists, parasitologists,
and representatives of local authorities participated in the workshop.
Of the Republican Research and Practice Workshop
“The Role of Nature Reserves in the Regional Biodiversity Conservation”
(Usharal, Alma Ata region, June 26—27, 2003)
Participants of the Workshop note that:
- Despite the growing pressure on natural heritage and declining ecological situation in the country, no one zapovednik had been designated in the last 5 years.
- The Ministry of Nature Resources, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Economics do not pay enough attention to the national PA network development and improvement.
- There is no comprehensive approach to the biodiversity conservation at state and regional levels.
- Current legal and economic frameworks of the PA management are outdated and do not meet modern requirements, thus, reducing the PA effectiveness.
- Efforts and initiatives of international conservation organisations do not meet adequate understanding and support among governmental institutions responsible for PAs and biological resources, which leads to losses in donors’ funding and lowers the prestige of the country.
Participants of the Workshop ask the Ministry of Agriculture and the Committee of Forestry and Hunting Economy to consider the following crucial issues in order to improve the current situation:
- develop and implement a state conservation programme for unique natural complexes; designate them state nature zapovedniks and national parks;
- according to Article 27 (Section 12, Paragraph 3) of the Kazakhstan Act “On PAs”, entitle directors and heads of protection services in state nature zapovedniks and national parks ‘state inspectors for nature conservation’;
- equip PA protection services with transport, communication, and firearms;
- conduct regular training and upgrade courses for PAs’ and conservation institutions’ staff;
- focus on national-level conservation projects developed in collaboration with GEF, UNDP, World Bank, UNEP, WWF, UNESCO, etc. to promote their implementation.
Participants of the Workshop consider the following measures relevant for the development of scientific research and ecological education at all levels:
- initiate creation of an integral informational network for state zapovedniks and national parks; facilitate creation of databases on Kazakhstan PAs; launch an integral information web-site on Kazakhstan PAs;
- study the possibility to develop a central topical library on PAs and reserves;
- resume and support centralised publication of periodicals dedicated to research studies and practical works in PAs, methodical and thematic manuals, and legal documents;
- develop ecological tourism in regions where PAs are located involving local communities, PA staff, NGOs, and tourism agencies;
- support Biosphere Reserve and World Natural Heritage designation initiatives and join conservation conventions.
- recommend to conduct experience exchange conferences and workshops involving international experts and researchers.
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