(MOSCOW, OCTOBER 15-16, 2002)
Meeting participants noted that, despite administrative and financial difficulties,
Russia's reserves and national parks are of vital importance since they are
the basis for Russia's ecological network and the main links for regional PNA
systems; they also promote scientific research and ecological education. In
order to maintain and develop this potential, the participants agreed to:
Ask Russian Minister of Natural Resources V.G. Artyukhov to set up a Scientific
and Practical Council on Conservation at the Department of Protected Natural
Areas and Sites and develop a mechanism for making vital environmental decisions
related to PNAs (scientific research, level of interference, regulation, use
and PNA development).
Ask the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) to coordinate research
in nature reserves and national parks with the Ministry's need for information
concerning natural ecosystems, natural resources and environmental quality
assessment for purposes of state environmental control, monitoring, wildlife
studies, OVOS and state environmental examinations.
Ask the Commission for Biodiversity Conservation at the Russian Academy
of Sciences (RAS), the Department of Protected Natural Areas and Sites and
other concerned organizations to advise PNAs on inventory and monitoring as
well as on prospective areas of scientific research related to assessment
of environmental capacity and permissible impact, environmental health assessment,
invasions, and formation of regional eco-nets. In order to implement this
proposal it will be necessary to identify coordinators from the RAS, from
nature reserves and national parks and from other concerned organizations.
Propose to nature reserves and national parks that they set up public centers
involving all interested parties (local government, businesses, institutes,
schools and the public) to support NPAs, participate in regional environmental
policy, and help develop a civil society. (The meeting participants called
on the RAS, CEPR, the Zapovedniki Ecological Center, the Biodiversity Conservation
Center and other concerned organizations to help coordinate these activities.)
Ask the MNR to consider improving the organization of the relevant MNR
department in charge of managing PNAs.
Ask the MNR in association with the RAS, the Zapovedniki Ecological Center,
the Biodiversity Conservation Center and other concerned organizations to
develop a system of vocational training for PNA personnel.
Organize public discussions about PNA development strategy.
Appeal to the MNR, RAS and other concerned organizations to convey to the
highest legislative and executive authorities, including President Vladimir
Putin, and to the public, the importance of the unique PNA system, Russia's
most valuable natural heritage, an object worthy of our national pride and
the attention of state and community alike.