Общие вопросы Bala G., Caldeira K., Mirin A., Wickett M., Delire C., Phillips T.J. 2006. Biogeophysical effects of CO2 fertilization on global climate // Tellus. V. 58B, P. 620–627 Bala G., Caldeira K., Wickett M., Phillips T.J., Lobell D.B., Delire C., Mirin A. 2007. Combined climate and carbon-cycle effects of large-scale deforestation // PNAS. V. 104. N. 16. P. 6550–6555. Betts R. A. 2001. Biogeophysical impacts of land use on present-day climate: near-surface temperature change and radiative forcing. Atmospheric Science Letters (2001) Vol. 1 Chapin F.S. III, Randerson J.T, McGuire A.D., Foley J.A, Field C.B. 2008. Changing feedbacks in the climate– biosphere system // Front. Ecol. Environ. V.6. N.6. P.313–320. Field C.B., Lobell D.B., Peters H.A., Chiariello N.R. 2007. Feedbacks of terrestrial ecosystems to climate change // Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. V. 32. P. 1–29. Findell K., Shevliakova E., Milly P.C.D., Stouffer R.J. 2007. Modeled Impact of Anthropogenic Land Cover Change on Climate // Journal of climate. V. 20. P. 3621-3634 Govindasamy B., Duffy P.B., Caldeira K. 2001. Land use changes and Northern Hemisphere cooling // Geophys. Res. Lett. V.28. N 2. P.291–294. Jackson R.B, Randerson J.T, Canadel J.G, R.G Anderson, R. Avissar, Baldocchi D.D, Bonan G.B, Caldeira K., Diffenbaugh N.S, Field C.B, Hungate B.A, Jobbagy E.G, Kueppers L.M, Nosetto M.D, Pataki D.E. 2008. Protecting climate with forests // Environ. Res. Lett. Protecting climate with forests. V. 3. 044006. 5 p. Weaver C.P., Avissar R. 2001. Atmospheric Disturbances Caused by Human Modification of the Landscape // Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society/ V. 82, N. 2. P.269-281
Общие вопросы
Bala G., Caldeira K., Mirin A., Wickett M., Delire C., Phillips T.J. 2006. Biogeophysical effects of CO2 fertilization on global climate // Tellus. V. 58B, P. 620–627
Bala G., Caldeira K., Wickett M., Phillips T.J., Lobell D.B., Delire C., Mirin A. 2007. Combined climate and carbon-cycle effects of large-scale deforestation // PNAS. V. 104. N. 16. P. 6550–6555.
Betts R. A. 2001. Biogeophysical impacts of land use on present-day climate: near-surface temperature change and radiative forcing. Atmospheric Science Letters (2001) Vol. 1
Chapin F.S. III, Randerson J.T, McGuire A.D., Foley J.A, Field C.B. 2008. Changing feedbacks in the climate– biosphere system // Front. Ecol. Environ. V.6. N.6. P.313–320.
Field C.B., Lobell D.B., Peters H.A., Chiariello N.R. 2007. Feedbacks of terrestrial ecosystems to climate change // Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. V. 32. P. 1–29.
Findell K., Shevliakova E., Milly P.C.D., Stouffer R.J. 2007. Modeled Impact of Anthropogenic Land Cover Change on Climate // Journal of climate. V. 20. P. 3621-3634
Govindasamy B., Duffy P.B., Caldeira K. 2001. Land use changes and Northern Hemisphere cooling // Geophys. Res. Lett. V.28. N 2. P.291–294.
Jackson R.B, Randerson J.T, Canadel J.G, R.G Anderson, R. Avissar, Baldocchi D.D, Bonan G.B, Caldeira K., Diffenbaugh N.S, Field C.B, Hungate B.A, Jobbagy E.G, Kueppers L.M, Nosetto M.D, Pataki D.E. 2008. Protecting climate with forests // Environ. Res. Lett. Protecting climate with forests. V. 3. 044006. 5 p.
Weaver C.P., Avissar R. 2001. Atmospheric Disturbances Caused by Human Modification of the Landscape // Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society/ V. 82, N. 2. P.269-281
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