Лес и вода Берг Л.С. 1922. Климат и жизнь. М.: Госиздат. Brunette V., Germain R.H. 2003. Forest management in the New York City watershed. http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/ARTICLE/WFC/XII/0649-B3.htm FAO_2003_Part 2(2) Sustainable use and management of freshwater resources the role of forests FAO_2008_Forests and Water. Forestry Commision. 2003. Forests & Water Guidelines. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh. 66pp. Junkermann W., Hacker J., Lyons T., NairU. 2009. Land use change suppresses precipitation // Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. 9, 11481–11500. Kanae S., Oki T., Musiake K. 2001. Impact of Deforestation on Regional Precipitation over the Indochina Peninsula // J. of Hydrometeorology. V.2. Februar. P.51-70 Lin Y., Wei X. 2008.(ABSTRACT) The impact of large-scale forest harvesting on hydrology in the Willow watershed of Central British Columbia // J. of Hydrology.V.359, N 1-2, P. 141-149 eher-Homji V.M. 1980. (ABSTRACT) Repercussions of deforestation on precipitation in Western Karnataka, India // Theoretical and Applied Climatology. V.28. N.4. P. 385-400 Unasylva_2007_4_Forests and Water – тематический выпуск журнала Warsaw resolution_2007_Forests and Water Wood S.A., Beringer J., Hutley L.B., McGuire A.D., Van Dijk A., Kilinc M. 2008. Impacts of .re on forest age and runoff in mountain ash forests // Functional Plant Biology, 35, 483--492
Лес и вода
Берг Л.С. 1922. Климат и жизнь. М.: Госиздат.
Brunette V., Germain R.H. 2003. Forest management in the New York City watershed. http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/ARTICLE/WFC/XII/0649-B3.htm
FAO_2003_Part 2(2) Sustainable use and management of freshwater resources the role of forests
FAO_2008_Forests and Water.
Forestry Commision. 2003. Forests & Water Guidelines. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh. 66pp.
Junkermann W., Hacker J., Lyons T., NairU. 2009. Land use change suppresses precipitation // Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. 9, 11481–11500.
Kanae S., Oki T., Musiake K. 2001. Impact of Deforestation on Regional Precipitation over the Indochina Peninsula // J. of Hydrometeorology. V.2. Februar. P.51-70
Lin Y., Wei X. 2008.(ABSTRACT) The impact of large-scale forest harvesting on hydrology in the Willow watershed of Central British Columbia // J. of Hydrology.V.359, N 1-2, P. 141-149
eher-Homji V.M. 1980. (ABSTRACT) Repercussions of deforestation on precipitation in Western Karnataka, India // Theoretical and Applied Climatology. V.28. N.4. P. 385-400
Unasylva_2007_4_Forests and Water – тематический выпуск журнала
Warsaw resolution_2007_Forests and Water
Wood S.A., Beringer J., Hutley L.B., McGuire A.D., Van Dijk A., Kilinc M. 2008. Impacts of .re on forest age and runoff in mountain ash forests // Functional Plant Biology, 35, 483--492
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