National Report of Russian Federation about saiga's protection on The Meeting of the Signatories to the Memorandum of Understanding concerning Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Use of the Saiga Antelope, Kazakhstan, 24-26 September 2006 NEW
Memorandum of Understanding concerning Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Use of the Saiga Antelope and Action Plan (Meeting of the Signatories to the Memorandum, Kazakhstan, 24-26 September 2006) NEW
'Seeking for double-win strategy for saiga conservation and TCM development' Workshop
Address to President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin from General Director IUCN
Action Plan concerning Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Use of the Saiga Antelope
Memorandum of Understanding concerning Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Use of the Saiga Antelope
Final text of motion passed by IUCN World Conservation Congress in Bangkok 17-25 November 2004 (subject to final processing by IUCN Secretariat)
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Extracts from decisions of Thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the CITES Parties.Draft version
Letter to the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Alexey Gordeyev
Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora / Fifty-third meeting of the Standing Committee(Geneva, 27 June - 1 July 2005) (pdf, 31 Kb)
Conclusions and recommendations from the working group held in Almata on 1-3 April 2004. "Saiga Antelope in Peril!".
Letter by the Minister of Agriculture of the RF Alexey Gordeyev "About Memorandum of Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Use of Saiga Antelope "
15.01.2024 The E-bulletin "Saiga News" No. 29 has been published (.pdf 3.8 Mb)
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